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Pokémon GO Is Planning To Make Changes To Special Research

Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO Is Planning To Make Changes To Special Research

When new special research comes in Pokémon GO, the tasks are probably a bit different. That’s what Niantic says.

What is it about? The special research in Pokémon GO is a special order series that players can do. There is also a story to follow. In the end, a special reward awaits you like the mystical Pokémon Mew. This is only possible through this specialized research, not in the wild.

In the future, the form in which the special research takes place could change. An employee of Niantic explains that there is still working on the Fine-Tuning.

Who spoke there? Matt Slemon is Product Manager at Niantic and spoke in an interview with Polygon about the past, present, and future of Pokémon GO.

What did he say? As Polygon reports, changes to the special research are likely planned. It seems like they want to do tasks in the future that keep the players in mind.

With regard to the special research, Slemon says in an interview:

We try to find out what the right amount of it is. Part of the specialized research we’ve published has definitely been a bit overwhelming for some of our casual players. In terms of simply flooding them with research.

Our intention is to make it so that the storylines are not just checklists. So you do not go through four or five of them at the same time and do not even remember which task belongs to which specialized research or why.

What does the statement mean? That sounds like Pokémon GO will be hosting special research in the future, whose tasks will then really fit the theme. And have more meaning.

Maybe there will be less individual tasks in the future, but a larger thematic reference to the tasks that exist. But that will show up.

You will also receive Meltan through specialized research

What do the players say? On Reddit, the interview is already being discussed diligently.

Negative falls on the previous special research on that you had to catch certain species for some tasks but appeared only a short time more often in the wild. So the user writes tehstone:

I think the big complaint was the need to catch or develop species that are actually very rare but more common only at the time of publication of the specialty research. 
This definitely created a “Hurry or you have problems” feeling

Source: Reddit

As an example on Reddit also Ditto is called. It was still easy to catch at the beginning of the special research when Niantic provided more Ditto spawns. Those who arrived at the point of research only after the increased spawns, had to look weeks or months after Ditto.

What changes would you like to make to the special research in Pokémon GO?

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Abdul Azeem