Category — Game
Anthem judges After Review Disaster To Player, Shows Roadmap
Anthem judges After Review Disaster To Player, Shows Roadmap
Following the launch, BioWare has announced the first updates for Anthem. With a detailed roadmap, you now want to tackle the bad reviews.
Live service launches: At the launch of Anthem on February 22, live service boss Chad Robertson wrote to the players in a blog post. He and his team are very excited, but also a little worried.
It was noticed by the Early Access, that one still has to improve a lot of Anthem. The live team, therefore, wants to hear feedback from the community. Some improvements have already been implemented with the Day-One patch.
With a detailed roadmap showing upcoming content for the next three months, BioWare now wants to convince players of Anthem. The trade press has so far rather mixed feelings about the action RPG, as the reviews on Metacritic show.
This is the roadmap of the first three months
These are the regular updates: Developers regularly plan for Anthem bug fixes. Improvements and optimizations. In addition, new daily, weekly and monthly checks as well as the payment of Allianz coins. The contents of Prospero’s Cash Shop should also change at regular intervals.
This is planned for February: In addition to the launch of Anthem, three new free play events are planned in February:
- Freeplay Event: “Outlaw Outrage”
- Freeplay Event: “Giant task”
- Freeplay Event: “Shaper Surge”
March with legendary missions: March brings more content in Anthem. In addition to events, there will also be legendary missions and new items
- New Cosmetics: “Elysian Stronghold Caches”
- Rewards: New Items
- New Missions: Legendary Missions – Phase 1
- New free play event
- Freeplay Event: “Giant task”
- Freeplay Event: “Outlaw Outrage”
April brings guilds: April brings some new features for Anthem, such as guilds and leaderboards. BioWare had already announced that guilds would not come into play until after the launch of Anthem.
Even a “Mastery System” is in the planning, what is behind it, but is not yet known.
- Advanced Progress: Mastery System
- Rewards: New Items
- More new free play events
- Freeplay Event: Shaper Surge
- New Missions: Legendary Missions – Phase 2
- New Stronghold: “The Sunken”
- Social Play: Weekly Stronghold Challenge
- Social Play: Leaderboards
- Social Play: Guilds
Cataclysms will launch in May: May brings new events, new missions, and new items to Anthem. In addition, the Cataclysms are set to launch, big world events designed to turn the world of Anthem upside down.
- Freeplay Events
- New missions
- Rewards: New Items
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February 23, 2019 Comments Off on Anthem judges After Review Disaster To Player, Shows Roadmap
Pokémon GO Extends The Raid Time Of Latias – That’s Why It’s Good
Pokémon GO Extends The Raid Time Of Latias – That’s Why It’s Good
Pokémon GO extends the raid times for Latias. The legendary Pokémon is now much longer than originally thought. We reveal why that was a good decision from Niantic.
Why the duration was a problem: After Niantic announced the return of Latias for a weekend, many players were in time pressure. With the dazzling version of Pokémon for the first time, many players wanted to make as many raids as possible. But this is difficult if Latias can only be caught for a weekend.
This is how Niantic has responded: The game developers responded to this criticism and made the Raid weekend just a raid week. So there is now Latias longer to catch
Many players are happy about the change.
We know that about the raid week with Shiny Latias
How long is there Latias? The whole event started already yesterday evening at 22 o’clock. Since this morning German players can also fight against the Pokémon of type Dragon and Psycho.
By the extension, you have until March 1, the chance to Shiny Latias.
Many players found it bad that Latias was only available for such a short time. On Reddit much was discussed about the short raid time. This was probably also Niantic with and extended the times without further ado.
Why are longer times better? Latias is the first time to catch Shiny. If it were only available for 3 days, then only a few would have the chance of Shiny Latias.
Now you can hunt for a whole week after the dazzling Latias. The probability of the desired Pokémon is then all the greater because you can do more raids. Alone with the free Raid passports, you can fight 7 Latias. That’s much more than the 3 free raids so far.
To complete at least 19 raids, most players need more than a weekend. It is all the better if you have time all week long.
That was also a problem: This weekend, today on Saturday, is also the Perlu event. These two events overlap. Many players were in conflict. Dear Raiden, or the limited research play? Now the decision is a little easier because you can take it a little easier.
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February 23, 2019 Comments Off on Pokémon GO Extends The Raid Time Of Latias – That’s Why It’s Good
All About Clans In Division 2 – That’s Why You Should Play Together
All About Clans In The Division 2 – That’s Why You Should Play Together
New information about the clans is well-known in The Division 2: maximum number of members, clan development and clan social spaces.
Join Clans Together: In Division 2, you’ll have the opportunity to form clans and claw together as a clan through the post-apocalypse in Washington DC.
According to Massive, the clan feature was designed so you can quickly connect with like-minded agents. This way, strong communities can be formed that share common goals.
Form Clan, Search and Manage – That’s the maximum number of members
So many players fit in a clan: Up to 50 accounts can connect in a clan. Each account can contribute up to 4 agents.
When can I start a clan? You can not use the clan feature right at the start of The Division 2. According to Massive, however, the clan functions are unlocked early in the story.
Clan Requirements: Once you’ve unlocked the clan feature, anyone can start a clan. But you need at least three more agents to help drive clan development. Clan Progressing starts with at least 4 clan members.
So you are looking for a clan in The Division 2
The entire clan management runs directly in-game. It should be user-friendly and clear. Right in the game, you can find a new clan if you do not want to create one yourself.
Search Preferences: Clan Search allows you to set several criteria that you apply to the clan. So you find the right community that suits you. You can search by these criteria:
- Activities: Do you only play PvP or PvE – or both?
- Your seasons: At what times of the day are you most active?
- Clan Atmosphere: Do you want a laid-back easy-going clan or a committed clan who wants to be competitive in PvP?
- The microphone as a prerequisite
- language
- region
Create a clan emblem: One of the first things about creating a clan is creating a badge. This emblem represents you outward in The Division 2.
You have several icons, backgrounds and frames to choose from, with which you make an individual clan badge.
Definitely a clan name: your clan needs a name. This must be between 4 and 15 characters long. In addition, you choose a clan tag that consists of 3 capital letters and is directly visible to all other players. You can also write a short clan performance.
Clan Privacy: You also decide if your clan
- Open – so searchable and open to all players,
- By invitation only – so searchable, but the clan leader must confirm the request, or
- Private – not searchable. Clan leaders can only send invitations to selected players.
Clan Structure: Your clan members are divided into four ranks, so that your clan is organized and has structure. The hierarchy looks like this:
- Commander: The clan leader who has access to all administrative functions
- Lieutenant: The “officer” who can send invitations, promote and demote members, and moderate the clan feed.
- Agent: An established clan member who can invite potential recruits to the clan.
- Recruit: A new clan member with very limited clan rights.
For clan requests, Commander and Lieutenants can inspect the character of the request steward, including Gear, to make the right decision for the clan.
The Clan Progress System
Collect Clan XP: All in-game actions where clan members gain experience earn you additional Clan XP (CXP). As Clan, you collect CXP together to achieve common goals in The Division 2.
Bringing Clan XP: With CXP, your clan increases in level – up to a maximum of level 30. For each level, clan members get certain benefits. You also unlock more customization options for your badge so you can show the world how experienced your clan is.
Rewards and Tasks for Clan Members: As a clan, you have goals in the form of weekly projects and an upgradable Clan Tank. Both will bring rewards to all Clan members upon successful completion.
- The weekly clan container requires a weekly CXP target, which is achieved with multiple intermediate goals. There are 3 reward ranks: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. If you reach Bronze Rank, guaranteed rewards will be unlocked. The silver and gold rankings continue to improve weekly rewards.
- Clan projects are weekly tasks that provide a CXP boost after graduation. Each of these tasks targets a specific area of the game. If your clan manages to complete all weekly projects, the clan will receive an additional substantial amount of CXP.
The Clan Social Space in the White House
A Place for Your Clan: The East Wing of the White House serves your clan as a home. There you can meet and reorganize. There you will also find the Clan Tank, where you will receive the weekly rewards.
There is a clan dealer in this clan quarter. The higher your clan level, the better items he offers. Certain clan levels also unlock cosmetic stuff at this retailer.
Honorable credit: In addition, this social space features your top three clan members who have collected the most CXP a week. This is how they are honored for their efforts – and all the other clan members get to see this.
According to Massive, there will be more to discover in your social space, what you may do to the release itself.
More about the clans in The Division 2
- There is a clan feed that you can communicate about. There you can write messages or clan leaders can leave important messages. This clan feed also informs you about clan activity and clan development.
- In addition, each clan has access to two voice channels, with up to 25 members able to talk to each other at the same time. No matter where you are in the game or what activity you are playing.
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February 23, 2019 Comments Off on All About Clans In Division 2 – That’s Why You Should Play Together
Fortnite: That’s How Easy It Is To Get The Free Season 8 Battle Pass
Fortnite: That’s How Easy It Is To Get The Free Season 8 Battle Pass
In Fortnite: Battle Royale you can get the Season 8 Battle Pass for free. How to do it quickly, we explain here.
Not all of the 20 challenges of the extension are easy to do. Some are pretty simple though. Here’s the best and fastest way to get to the new pass in no time.
The fastest way to the new Battle Pass
These 13 challenges go fast: Who wants to have the new pass without much effort at the last minute, should do these challenges from the extension challenges. These tasks do not take long, are easy to do, and bring you so quickly to your goal:
Challenge 1: Complete Free Extension Challenges: Here you only need to complete 5 other tasks. Easy!
Challenge 5: Search Chests or Ammo Boxes at a Motel or Caravan Place: Collecting a few chests is not a problem. Here is a guide for the required locations.
Challenge 9: Regenerate condition through campfires in various matches: Campfires are now also available in bulk as solid objects. You only have to use a campfire in three rounds.
Challenge 10: Visit Different Named Places: Simply fly 10 named locations with the plane, then you’ll have the job done in a flash.
Challenge 11: Search for a supply of supplies in various matches: Especially in modes with respawning or better loot, many of these supplies are available. Otherwise, you should just camp long enough, until at the end of the game several boxes are dropped.
Challenge 12: Revive a player in different matches: This is no problem in team matches. Just be careful to pull your friends up again.
If you are in a hurry, just jump down somewhere and then get pulled up by your buddy. Do this often enough and you have the job in the bag.
Challenge 13: Visit different waterfalls: For the waterfalls, we have listed some localities.
Challenge 14: Deal with enemies with shotguns and submachine guns: With shotguns and SMGs, you can quickly get the required 500 damage.
Challenge 15: Search chests or ammo crates at The Block: The block is full of loot. There is always something to get there and you have the task quickly through.
Challenge 17: Play drift matches with a friend: All you have to do is play 3 drift matches together with a friend. You do not even have to win. Participate is enough.
Challenge 18: Thank you the bus driver in different matches: It could not be easier. Just thank the bus driver seven times and you’ve made it.
Challenge 19: Search chests or ammo crates at a race track or dance hall: The chests are opened quickly. Where to find the locations of the racetrack and the dance hall, you will learn here.
Challenge 20: Survive 75 enemies in the course of a match: It’s easier than you think. Campt long and you have survived the 75 players quickly.
It all happens so fast: All these tasks can easily be completed in the afternoon and evening. Often several people go at once, for example, to visit places, rappelling waterfalls, piercing opponents with shotguns and thereby opening chests in the desired locations.
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February 23, 2019 Comments Off on Fortnite: That’s How Easy It Is To Get The Free Season 8 Battle Pass